Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Together alone

Thanks to everyone who came to see the Peel show, I thought the audience were totally lovely. My evening was made a bit stranger when one of my teachers from university turned up to see us. That hasn't happened before. He's quite a hip fellow though, taught me Experimental Prose Fiction, which made me think he probably wouldn't like us, we're not avant garde enough.
There was special edition of Hometruths on Radio 4 about John Peel with interviews with his family which was really lovely. You can still hear it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hometruths/

No dogs have tried to bite/make friends with me. I've left my job at the pub but I haven't exactly told them yet. It's been a bit of a downer since coming back from Sweden because it was such a big deal being there. And it never rains there. It rained for about ten hours yesterday and I have discovered the bottom of my favourite shoes are maybe made of cardboard under the disintegrating plastic bit.

There was a Lukas Moodyson double bill on at the cinema on Sunday. That means there were a few hundred people looking through their dripping windows with regret and failed good intentions. Not me, I made it. I half expected some of the band to turn up to continue our Swedish fanclub, but only Tracyanne was there and she had to leave halfway through so I watched Together alone. Tracyanne says I look an awful lot like the miserable girl in that film.

Carey xx


Blogger mark said...

I didn't know that you guys worked regular jobs....I thought world famous musicians could just sit around and write music....last summer one of my kids was in glasgow scotland and I made her take my cd's in case she ran into any of you guys.....so such luck....anyway, goodluck with the new album I'm really looking forward to it....

mark in las vegas

3:49 am  
Blogger OttoKaiser said...

Heh. I just watched Together for the first time on Friday there, and I can confirm that yes, you do look a lot like the wee moody swedish girl.

2:41 pm  

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